Hey there, friend!

I'm Nilza.

I’m a wife, mom of two energetic boys, and a budget nerd turned financial coach.

I became obsessed with personal finance and budgeting when my husband and I decided to be better with money and finally conquer our debt.

We were done living paycheck to paycheck.

We were done relying on our credit cards because we needed it to get us by until next payday.

We were done working just to have most of our income go towards minimum debt payments.

We were done feeling stressed about money!

Our lives changed when we finally got it together with our money and got organized with a money plan…aka a budget.

Since getting on a realistic budget that works for my family, we were able to accomplish so many things I never imagined we could with our money. Some of those things include:

Having an emergency fund that can cover at least 3 months of expenses.

Cash flowing our first big family trip to the Philippines while on a debt free journey.

Not relying on credit cards to cover unexpected expenses.

Stopped stressing over money and gained peace of mind.

Becoming debt free! 

  • I have been sharing my family's financial journey on social media since 2018. I share our real life budget, accomplishments and struggles with money in hopes to inspire those who are also struggling to get it together with their finances.


    Through the power of social media, I have been able to connect with so many amazing and encouraging women who are also on their own financial journey.


    It’s because of those connections and my passion for helping women with their finances that I decided to make it official and set up a financial coaching business.


    As of summer of 2022, I am working on leveling up my financial knowledge and coaching skills by studying to become an Accredited Financial Counselor.


    I’m on a mission to help busy moms master their budget so they can stress less over money, spend more time with the ones they love, and enjoy living life their way. I can help you do the same.